Boba gets acupuncture treatment number 3

This is one of our nurse’s dogs (Boba) getting acupuncture.  She has had lots of success already and its only been 3 treatments!  We are loving this new service and so are the doggies!  Book your veterinary acupuncture consultation today if you think your dog could benefit!  Also, pain isn’t the only indicator for acupuncture.  Many different illnesses and conditions can benefit from acupuncture treatments.

Introducing Medical Acupuncture at Animal Hospital of Rowlett and Animal Hospital of Heath

Our acupuncture suite is ready and we are now taking acupuncture appointments for this service with Dr. Wendi Carter.

Read more about medical acupuncture at Animal Hospital of Rowlett and Animal Hospital of Heath.

We look forward to offering this new service to the community and merging western medicine with this holistic treatment for pain management and other medical problems.

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